About the preschool
This preschool has been around for eighteen years, but was earlier conducted as a parent cooperative under the name “Tellus Montessori preschool”. Since the 1st of may 2012 the preschool became privately owned and changed its name to “Montessori children’s preschools and schools corp.” However the preschool is still working under the same Montessori philosophy as before and practice a lot of outdoor activity.
We have room for 39 children in total divided on 3 departments and have seven educated teachers working full time. To read more about every department please click on “departments” on the left.
Our work plan is based on the Swedish National Curriculum for Preschools (Lpfö98 reviderad 2010),
Convention on the Right of the Child, the education Act and the guidelines for preschools in Botkyrka council.
On the left under “work plan” there is more detail information where it has been structured into the same headlines as the curriculum in order to help integrate it effectively into our everyday practice.
When a child has been offered a place with us, we contact the parents to book a “getting to know each other”-meeting, where we go through all details. You will get to meet one of the teachers from the child’s department in order to establish a good connection from the start.
Preschools obligation is to strive to make sure that the introduction for the child is according to the so called three days method. The method offers the parents full insight into the child’s everyday at the preschool during three days and it has been proven to be helpful in giving the child a good start.
Because all departments open and close together at the same time, it offers all the teachers the opportunity to work between departments, which helps them to get to know all children and make them feel comfortable with everyone within the staff.
We have high expectations on our selves. We strive to have high quality standards and have set high goals to ensure those standards. It will take work to achieve this which is why we also need help from the parents. We believe that parents who are involved in our practice will help raise the standard.
We expect the parents to show up on parental meetings, where it is a good place to get information about what activities that are coming up and what clothes the child needs in order to play outside.
We want the parents to be engaged in what their child/children are up to during the days by coming to opening days, Montessori-evenings, and drop in – coffee etc.
Interest from the parents helps the children to get a greater experience at the preschool, where they are very proud of what they accomplish and want to show it off at home.
When we are approaching the end of a term there will be notes on the door where parents can sign up and volunteer to bake a cake for the graduation. This helps the parents to feel involved and gives a personal touch to it.
The parents commitments
We respect the preschools opening hours
If we run late, we call the preschool and let them know
We call to let the preschool know if the child/children are home sick latest 8.30 am the same day
We call the day before the child/children will return to the preschool
We return information notes as soon as possible so that the preschool can plan ahead
We take part of opinion surveys about the preschool in order to contribute to a positive development
We respect the preschools sick policy and keep in mind that the child/children should be able to take part in all activities during a day
We do our best in order for our child/children to always keep all sorts of clothing necessary at the preschool so they will be able to take part in outdoor activities
We show up at parental meetings and other get-togethers, in order to receive information and to mingle with other parents and staff.
Kitchen and food
The meals should mainly be tasty, variable and nutritious. Our intention is to always choose locally produced- and organic products as well as cooking from scratch.
Our chef has knowledge to make sure that we follow all the laws and rules. She handles documentation within grocery management.
We give every child one fruit a day and serve lunch and a snack in the afternoon.
Milk is offered to both lunch and snack.
The cleaning takes place 5 times a week in the evening or morning by employed staff.
Opening hours
The preschool is open between 7am to 5pm Monday – Friday.
Once a month we close early at 3.30pm to have our monthly staff meeting
Summer closed
During the summer the preschool will be closed for four weeks in a row. Which weeks will be announced in advanced in order to give parents time to plan ahead. If childcare is needed during this time an alternative placement in another preschool can be arranged. Please notify in time.
The team
Elin Hörberg is the preschool manager here and has a certificate within Language and Language development, the Swedish language, Childrens development and has studied 60 hp Montessori pedagogic.
Carina Bergstrand is responsible for the education. She is a qualified preschool teacher, Montessori teacher and an outdoor activity leader. If you would like to visit the preschool, it will be Carina who welcomes you and shows you around. The visit takes 30 minutes in total and feel free to ask as many questions as you need.
Our other co workers are named Cecilia Yañez López, Katarzyna Nalepka, Jeanette Ekstrand, Nayoung Lee Duvfjord, Katia Keryakes.
Marzena Siwik is cooking is our fantastic food everyday and Susanne Eriksson cleans five days a week.
Our delighted and skill full substitutes who always are there for us when we need them are named Elin, Roksana, Jessica och Nadia.
All the children are insured through Botkyrka council, European insurance. The insurance covers their trip back and forth as well as their stay at the preschool.
The staff are covered by KP.
Organisation for employers
We are a member of KFO, Kooperationens förhandlingsorganisation.