Work plan
Our work plan is based on the Swedish National Curriculum for Preschools (Lpfö98 reviderad 2010), (Convention on the Right´s of the Child) the Education Act and the guidelines for preschools in Botkyrka council. It has been structured into the same headlines as the curriculum in order to help integrate it effectively into our everyday practice.
Standards and values
Our ambition
- For all children to learn fellowship, solidarity and responsibility towards each other and to develop a democratic approach
- For all children, parents and staff to feel security and liability
- Where bullying, violence and xenophobia is not tolerated and immediately will be addressed
- Where the children evolve respect for the environment and all living beings.
Planning and working method
It is important to create a sense of community and a secure environment within the children groups. A permissive and large-minded surrounding encourages the children to be curious and awakens their desire to learn. There is a collaboration between the departments where they together take part of song gatherings, cross groups etc. Everybody should get to know each other and learn how to show consideration.
We make sure that all children are seen and heard and feel adequate and believe in themselves.
We listen to each other and don´t interrupt when someone is talking.
We are receptive for all children’s interests and needs.
By letting the children experience the outdoor nature it allows them to get acquainted with how we can take care of the environment.
At the daily gatherings space is made for the children’s own reflections about life. We encourage the children to help each other out, for example when getting dressed, in conflicts or in play.
We want an open and honest atmosphere amongst our team where everybody feel they can express their opinions.
Our monthly meetings are where we get to know each other and work on our set values which are the foundation of our preschool.
We want to be seen as an example and have therefore put together a personnel policy in order to create a distinct guideline that is easy to follow.
We cooperate with the parents by keeping an open relationship where we discuss rules, upbringing and social codes that we apply to our preschool.
Progress and learning
Our ambition
- All children should be treated individually, based on their own personal conditions, and there should be an exploratory and reflective working environment
- All children comes with a natural desire and interest to learn when they start the preschool, our challenge is to keep that motivation going and to turn it into productive learning
- Musical and culture differences should be acknowledged and deepened in order to develop a cultural understanding
Digital skills – a support for a rewarding learning environment
(A part of this text is referenced from Botkyrka council)
Botkyrka council is investing in school youths ability to manage media technologies and the flow of information on the internet. The computer is a part of children’s everyday life nowadays; therefore we offer the computer as a creative and fun tool in their learning. Media has evolved the storytelling process, not only orally and in writing, but also in sound, image and film. There are educational materials made for computers which stimulate the children’s development in many ways. Children that have special needs could benefit greatly from using media as a learning tool, especially in linguistic development.
Children can create their own stories, record them and listen to their own voices as one example of how media can be used. We can also show the world in a different, more concrete way where other cultures, time epochs and planets become alive through audio and movement. It should be simple and desirable. Artful expressions stimulate empathy and fantasy and offers a shift in perspective.
Planning and working method
The teachers support the children and show them the way. They listen and give encouragement and give them time and opportunity to explore and reflect on their own.
It should be fun to go to our preschool and we should enjoy a fun time together. We offer Montessori materials and supplementary materials which creates interest and motivation to learn. The materials should be visible and easy to access for the children in an inviting environment.
There should be room for playing, crafting, creating, resting, eating and moving.
Each term there will be extra focus on one of the topics from the curriculum, or from the Montessori philosophy, and that will be our theme. The theme will permeate our activities throughout the whole term and could lead to a bigger excursion associated to it in the end of the term.
We observe the children’s positive progress and clarify it for the children, parents and ourselves, by observations and documentations.
We collaborate between the departments in order to offer the children more opportunities to learn.
On our monthly meetings we have a dialog and support each other in order to help any child who needs extra attention. Carina, who is responsible for the education, is also there as an extra resource for all the other teachers who needs extra help.
By monthly update letters, open days, breakfast meetings and Montessori/material evenings, all parents are offered an insight in their children’s everyday practice. We also use an internet based photo gallery, where pictures from the children’s activities are posted. All parents should be offered to be present during a day at the preschool.
The children’s influence
Our ambition
- Influence, participation and responsibility should be considered as self evident
- Children should develop their ability to express their wishes and needs and thereby be able to influence their every day
- There should be time for observations and interviews with the children. This is important in order to find out what their interests are and what level they are on.
- All children’s special needs should be acknowledged
- Boys and girls should be offered the same opportunities to explore and discover without limitations
Planning and working method
Our motto is that the children show the way. They are a part of our practice and get to influence the contents of their everyday which makes them feel involved. It is important to work in smaller groups and on an individual level. By learning how to clean up after themselves and take care of each other, the materials and toys, they learn how to be reasonable. The teachers are there for guidance and reminding.
We try to let the children solve their own conflicts as much as possible depending on maturity. We are always there in the background ready to step in. We believe it is important for everyone involved in the conflict to be heard and that the adults take responsibility to explain cause and effect. It goes without saying that we believe that boys and girls are equal and should be offered the same possibilities.
We pay attention to our own values and how we treat the children. We are receptive to the children’s needs and try to say yes to their initiative and ideas as much as possible.
Parents know their child/children best. If they ask about their child/children’s experience at the preschool at home and afterwards give feedback to the staff, it will help the child/children’s influence and contribute to a better environment.
Preschool and home
Our ambition
- Parents have influence through the parents association
- A parent/teacher meeting should be offered at least once a year and more often if it is the parents wish
- All parents should be offered a parental meeting and a Montessori/material evening once a year
- Besides these meetings we should strive to organise more meeting opportunities. They should be easygoing with no demands and be given at different times in order to give all parents a chance to take part.
Planning and working method
In our work it is vital to keep a good parental contact. All parents should feel welcomed and get a positive treatment at our preschool.
Parents are involved through everyday contact in the hallway, parental meetings, drop in -coffee, open days, parent/teacher meetings, Montessori/material evenings, monthly update letters and the child’s personal portfolio.
We take parents feedback very seriously and keep a constant dialog with them in order to get their views on our practice.
Before a parent/teacher meeting there is a form given out to the parents with questions to think about and prepare for the meeting.
We document the children’s progress through daily notes and pictures. These documentations are our base in the parent/teacher meetings.
The teachers are responsible for the children in their department but also carry a bigger responsibility for all children at the preschool. This way the preschool becomes less venerable when one of the staff members is away. The preschool teacher is solely liable for the documentation to take place, however all teachers share responsibility for it to be ongoing. The parent/teacher meetings are divided between the two teachers in each department.
The legal guardians has the main responsibility for the child’s upbringing and development. We have a parents association that get together two times per term where everything about their child/children can be discussed. The meetings are a way for the parents to be able to present their views and wishes to us and through that influence the routines at the preschool. The information for parents is mainly given through emails and the website but also through the information boards in every entrance of each department and notes in the children’s drawer. Events at the preschool like graduations, lucia, etc is a way to increase the fellowship and for the parents to feel that their contribution is important for our practice.
Interaction with the preschool, school and recreation centers
Our ambition
- The pedagogical continuity between the school forms are constant evolving and we will do what we can for the child to get a good transition
- The child’s transition to a new practice (eg another preschool or school) should take place in a trusting cooperation with the new staff in order to support the child’s all-round development and learning.
Planning and working method
We talk and read about what it is like to start school during the spring term in order for the child to get an insight into the schools world. Sometimes there are older siblings who already goes to school and can tell about their experience.
We aim to go with the child to their new school class and very much appreciate it if the school teacher comes and visits us. If this is not possible we make sure there is phone contact.
At the last teacher/parent meeting we go through what expectations, wishes and other important information the parents have. They must approve of the documents concerning their child before being turned over to the school teacher.
Follow-up, evaluation and progress
Our ambition
- The preschool practice should continuously and systematically be documented, be followed up and evaluated.
- All staff should have a basic education like educators or preschool teachers and further training in Montessori pedagogic.
- At least one of the teachers on every department should have Montessori assistant or teacher education.
- All children’s progress and learning should be documented continuously and systematically.
Planning and working method
All children’s progress should be visible in their portfolio. The documentation of the Montessori material is done separately in order for the teachers to easily establish what level the child is on so they can help each other.
The preschool manager establishes a work plan every year where the ambitions are adjusted if necessary.
The compilation of the follow ups takes place once a year, by the end of a term and the result is documented in writing. The goals are constantly followed up by the staff and are discussed at the monthly meetings, meetings on each department and hole day development meetings.
Further training is offered to the staff as we welcome a high competence level which helps to raise the standard at the preschool. The teachers are encouraged to present their own suggestions and wishes for both the preschool and their own development.
We use a video camera in order to document and analyze our behaviours and working methods in order to learn from them. The videos are destroyed after our analysis.
Through teacher/parent meetings, parental meetings, parental association meetings and regular opinion surveys we keep an ongoing dialog with the parents and their views of our practice. The opinion surveys will occur at least once per term.
We should show the parents where they can find information about Montessori in Sweden and what associations there are. We are responsible to provide insight within the curriculum that is important for the parents to know about.