As an employee

Our behaviour policy towards each other


  • We share experiences and information with each other
  • We communicate and address each other in a friendly way
  • We give constructive criticism and acknowledge success
  • We work towards creating a more fun workplace through motivation, commitment, personal growth and education
  • We respect each other’s time and work, take responsibility and keep our promises
  • We talk with each other not behind each other’s back
  • We do not accept any form of discrimination


Dress code
We do not dress in homewear or provocative outfits. When we are outside we dress according to the weather. We use wind- and rainproof clothes in order to be able to play with the children or carry them if necessary. The preschool makes sure that all regular staff will have work clothes suitable for work.  These clothes are not meant for private use.

  • Rain suit (rain proof coat and trousers ) no wellys
  • Winter clothes (winter hat, mittens, fleece jacket, winter jacket, cover trousers and winter boots)


Smoking policy

The preschool has a non smoking policy. Smoking is only allowed on your brake and away from the premises.

Health care
The regular staff has access to a fitness allowance of 1000 SEK per term. This is for activities that benefit your health.


The preschool will pay for further education. The teachers are encouraged to present their own suggestions and wishes for both the preschool and their own development.
Educations that require time outside working hours will be compensated by extra holiday.


Our website is meant to give the parents all information they need and our goal is to update it at least once a month. It provides them with pictures through the gallery and gives them access to a member forum which function as a meeting place.


Monthly meetings and full day planning
Once a month we close the preschool early for a monthly staff meeting.
A full day planning occurs in the beginning once every term.
The last monthly meeting of every term ends with a social event.


Alcohol and narcotics
Alcohol and narcotic use is strictly prohibited during working hours. It is also not permitted to show up for work when you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Any signs of this could lead to immediate dismissal.
Only the preschool manager has the authorisation to allow intake of alcohol at special occasions, however it will not be allowed during the preschool opening hours.


Media policy
In Sweden we have freedom of speech. Our employees have the right to express their private opinions as private individuals but not in the name of the company or about the practice. The preschool has a very distinct press policy. No one except the CEO speaks to the press. The CEO is however entitled to delegate his/hers responsibility to the preschool teacher and thereby give him/her permission to speak about local conditions.

IT policy
We are a workplace where we use electronical communication means such as email and the internet. All regular employees will be assigned their own login to the workplace computer where they are responsible for everything that goes on within their personal user ID. It is strictly prohibited to download software, games or similar and the computer is only permitted for private use during breaks.
The internet and social media is a part of our way to spread information and we therefore have continuant discussions within the staff and parent association about integrity, confidentiality and boundaries on the internet. 

All staff members have confidentiality when it comes to confidential information about the practice. Employees within child welfare are obliged to follow the social services commands. This means that you are not allowed to leak information about an individual’s personal circumstances to unauthorized people or any authority. This includes health condition, family situation, education, profession, economy and social situation in general. Addresses, phone numbers, computer lists, videotapes and pictures are covered by confidentiality.
This confidentiality stretches long after the employment or practice ends. Anyone breaking the confidentiality can be prosecuted for violating the confidentiality.


Employee parking
The preschool is paying for 2 parking spaces at the parking lot that can be used by staff members.

At our preschool all teachers get their lunch and snack for free. We also offer one fruit a day and unlimited coffee and tea. At Christmas we make sure that we go out together and enjoy a Swedish Christmas buffet and at summer we end the term by eating together and have activities outside.
We care about our employees because we know that a good working environment and happy teachers will rub off on the children.
During the spring 2012 all regular staff members went on a trip to Maria Montessori’s first preschool in Rome. It was a wonderful and educating couple of days that we won’t forget.
Since that trip we have also visited Montessori preschools in Berlin and Miami and it is our intention to keep doing these trips every year as it helps us improve and grow as a Montessori preschool.




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Montessorichildren´s preschool in Tumba